EJNMMI Reports
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EJNMMI Reports

EJNMMI Reports is the Inclusive Science Journal of the EJNMMI journal family. It is a peer-reviewed open access journal, following international research integrity standards.
The editorial process of EJNMMI Reports does not focus on the extent of the advance of the submitted papers. All valid research with clinical and translational relevance in the field of Nuclear Medicine (including longer and brief reports, negative and positive results, provocative topics, data & protocol descriptors) will be considered. Read more about the formats that are considered below.
EJNMMI Reports publishes scientific articles that are of interest to the nuclear medicine and molecular imaging community and cover diagnostics and therapy within all subfields in this subject area. The journal aims at providing clinical as well as scientific information that is useful for all relevant imaging and clinical communities as well as allied professions.
EJNMMI Reports considers various article types like original research articles, brief communications on novel preliminary approaches, reports on originals, case reports, pictorial essays, reviews and educational material, guidelines published by experts from different clinical and research disciplines, editorials, and letters to the editor.
Editor-in-Chief: Ignasi Carrió